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Daniela Hofmann
Jan 25, 20232 min read
Self-empowerment through self-knowledge. False myths of hypnosis
"I would never let myself be hypnotized because I want to be in control." Have you ever heard someone saying that, or maybe said it...
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Daniela Hofmann
Jan 15, 20232 min read
''It's not because it's hard that we don't dare, but because we don't dare that it's hard.'' Seneca
Tell me, have you made any New Year's resolutions? How is it going with them? From a holistic and energetic standpoint, it makes little...
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Daniela Hofmann
Jan 7, 20232 min read
Why you should stay away from toxic positivity
Are you already being completely honest with yourself? Especially in the spiritual realm, I often see people who sugarcoat everything. A...
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Daniela Hofmann
Dec 10, 20222 min read
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Daniela Hofmann
May 14, 20225 min read
How does a disease actually develop? The Ayurvedic view
No person just wakes up one morning and has a disease. No, diseases creep in slowly. Ayurveda says that a disease first passes through...
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Daniela Hofmann
Dec 17, 20212 min read
How vata, pitta and kapha experience the Christmas season differently
Vata, Pitta and Kapha perceive the Christmas season quite differently. Read here how this can be expressed. Vata: For Vata, this time can...
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Daniela Hofmann
Dec 17, 20211 min read
How do Vata, Pitta and Kapha communicate?
Each has its own unique style of communicating. I have summarized for you shortly and crisply how this could look like: VATA Loves to...
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Daniela Hofmann
Dec 17, 20212 min read
Chestnuts 🌰 are the perfect Ayurvedic snack! Yum 😋
☞ Ayurveda is truly simple to apply, it wants us to consume seasonal foods from our area. Mother nature always ensures that what we need...
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Daniela Hofmann
Dec 17, 20212 min read
Why, in my opinion, health must always be considered holistically.
𓆙 Body, mind and soul are the holy triangle and it is impossible to look at only one in isolation, because they are connected. 𓆙 What...
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Daniela Hofmann
Jun 21, 20213 min read
From Karma to Dharma
Vibration Update June 21st-June 27th From Karma to Dharma This week is energetically a big deal! The Full Moon helps us so that we can...
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Daniela Hofmann
Jun 7, 20213 min read
Create the most joyful version of yourself
Vibration Update
All about this upcoming New Moon and Solar Eclipse
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Daniela Hofmann
May 23, 20212 min read
Turning Point!
We have a super rare total lunar eclipse and at the same time a supermoon in Sagittarius which takes place on Wednesday, May 26th 21 at...
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Daniela Hofmann
May 17, 20212 min read
let's rediscover the world
Vibration Update May 17th until May 23rd 🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺🔻🔺 Energetic start into this new...
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Daniela Hofmann
May 9, 20212 min read
Move your body and manifest your the life of your dreams
NM in Taurus ♉ Tuesday May 11th on 08:59pm Manifesting Time!!! New Moons are the time to go inward and check in with yourself how the...
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Daniela Hofmann
May 2, 20212 min read
Keep dreaming big
Vibration Update May 3rd- May 9th We start the new week pretty optimistic and good vibes. A good day to make plans and also be optimistic...
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Daniela Hofmann
Apr 24, 20212 min read
Level up. Face your fears and smile at them.
Vibration Update April 26th 2021 until May 2nd 2021 This upcoming Full Moon is potent and delicious it is not just another full moon but...
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Daniela Hofmann
Apr 19, 20213 min read
Enjoy the physical pleasures and sensuality and be open for new forms of love
Vibration Update April 19th 2021 - April 25th 2021 This week the Sun and also Mercury, the planet of all forms of communications, enter...
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Daniela Hofmann
Apr 15, 20212 min read
A few things you should know about the pill
🔻It's not news that taking the pill can lead to weight gain, risk of thrombosis, increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease,...
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Daniela Hofmann
Apr 15, 20211 min read
Is Kundalini Yoga dangerous?
We often hear this question in Kundalini Yoga. The answer can be yes, because 🔺When you start practicing, you may become addicted and...
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Daniela Hofmann
Apr 15, 20212 min read
''When we women reconnect with our blood, the bloodshed on earth will stop.“
🔻A wise woman once said this, I don't remember who it was but it touched me deeply and gave me goose bumps. I knew it was true and it...
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